Serenity Funeral Home was established on June 11, 2015, through the dreams and prayers of managing partners Andre Bailey and Dana Hauger. We specialize in providing you with traditional, yet customized funeral arrangements designed to suit your unique needs. Our goal is to be a visible pillar as a servant throughout Las Vegas and our surrounding communities. We strive to encourage ways to partner with our community staples, such as local schools, churches, police departments, fire departments, hospitals and other community grass roots organizations. With these partners we work towards stopping violence, offering funeral service career options and offering grief counseling services.
For our funeral services, we're dedicated to ensuring you get the high-quality services and results you deserve. We cater to your needs and are never pushy. Let us work with you to decide on and design themes, colors for caskets, personalized DVDs, horse and carriage services, escorts to the burial site and providing a minister, musician, singer or limousines. We encourage you to make an appointment with us so we can give you all the time you need. Same-day appointments are available and we do accept walk-ins when possible.
As all services are completed according to your unique needs, it's not possible for us to give specific turnaround times on any specific service. No matter what, we always take the time to ensure your service is completed properly with the care it needs. We also serve as a community center where people can gather and meet for advice or assistance in your life beyond funeral planning.
Contact us
today for additional information or to receive a free consultation.